
Codeline Lessons Editor

The Codeline Lessons Editor is based on MDX and lets you create interactive courses.

There is a lot of interactive component, but let's make a quick tours.

On the Sidebar, you can create section and lessons :

You can change the status :

  • Published = Visible to everyone
  • Hidden = Visible only to you and admin
  • Unlist = Accessible to everyone but not visible, need a direct link
  • Free = Everyone, without buying your courses, can access it

To change a section name, just double click on it.

Lessons editor

You have a 2 top bar :

The first one let's you update lesson related infomrations, see the live lessons.

The other is for update the content of the lesson.

There is 3 importantn shortcut :

  • CMD + K : To Create a Link
  • CMD + J : To insert a custom block
  • CMD + P : To open the video manager

On this page